AGM on 1 October 2017

Previously the 14th AGM on 20 November 2016 had failed to adopt the accounts with a subsequent EGM on 19 Feb 2017 that 9also failed to adopt the accounts with yet another EGM on 26 Mar 2017 that decided on a delay of another 4 months period to allow a group of owners to investigate into the accounts of the past two years of 2015 and 2016.

It became 6 months later before the 15th AGM was set on 1 Oct 2017. The 2 year accounts for the year ended 31 December 2015 and 31 Dec 2016 were also to be adopted in this AGM that was scheduled to start at 10am with registration. I had early morning meetings at Church on Sunday starting at 9am that did not complete till 1pm and headed back to the apartment's indoor car park area where the usual AGM/EGM meetings would be held.

I noticed Dato Ng Kek Kiong was chairing the meeting and on the far right of the main table was the Commissioner of Building (COB) division Sr. Hj. Kamarulzaman bin Mat Salleh.

The Dato played his part well to chair the AGM and directed proper notes taking of the minutes of each resolution.
The Chief of Commissioner of Buildings (COB) division was a little overwhelmed by the issues of the apartment management and the vociferous feedback of the owners in attendance!

Mr Phillip Yap was seen sitting at the side unusually quiet...

... still giving some instructions to an office staff

The new committee was being nominated and confirmed as per the names on the white board in the photo above. As I was late, I had learned that these were mostly new names of owners and not from those who supported Philip Yap formerly to hire him. Phillip Yap, who in the past has been unethically contacting owners with his access to owners' information from the office who do not live in the apartment in order to get them to sign proxy forms for the forthcoming AGM to be in his hands. This was his known gerrymandering tactic to be employed as a manager of the building by the elected council members of his influence. He could not use them in this AGM due to the presence of the chief of COB with his supporting staff present and when a vote by a show of hands was decided to elect new council members, Phillip Yap could not show he was in control of all the proxies he had obtained and was seen as a lone quiet man sitting at the side close to the front.   

He only got the job due to his relationship with a Chairman of the past from an apartment owned by a company that turned it into a mahjong recreation place for staff. Philip Yap frequented the apartment and from there he used the relationship with the former Chairman to get the post as building manager.
Problems began to be witnessed by owners who stayed at the apartment where he was seen shouting at women owners and guests, bossing around the guards and even making decisions for the Chairman Packiasingh Solomon by personally responding to reject the letter from our company secretary's official letter to the Chairman about my car being clamped unlawfully that bore the carpark sticker with a request to cease all harassment to me as the Company's authorized representative. There was no resolution at any AGM or EGM that was passed to take away the one free open space parking lot given to very apartment unit since the beginning of the existence of the apartment.

Here is a video of 3 important business matters of the management corporation that I captured in the afternoon :

With the new committee, they can investigate the past accounts that seemed to have inadequate disclosures which needs to be resolved before accounts can be adopted. Secondly the Sinking Fund seems to have been not fully accounted for and was highlighted to be checked. Last and most important is the giving back of the one open car park space to every apartment unit. That was the personal matter that Phillip Yap wrongly used to harass me and I'm glad I used social media to expose the wrong doings of his management style that will open the door to more investigation back to more years even before his time when certain improper practices in the management council were not fully disclosed to owners! The troubles that started 7 months ago in February of 2017 and can be read here.